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  • Vanessa
  • University of Iowa
  • 2012 Spring

Slovenia: My New Favorite Place 02/09/12

“Slovenia?  I’ve never heard of it.” This was generally the reaction I got whenever I told someone about my trip to Slovenia – and I must admit that, before this program, I was completely oblivious to Slovenia’s existence as well.  After visiting the country this weekend, however, I can now say that not only does […]

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  • Michael
  • University of Iowa
  • 2012 Spring

A Weekend in Florence. 02/06/12

After a week of CAP activities a group my buddies and I decided to head to Florence for the weekend. In planning for this weekend, we searched for a cheap hostel and found one at a rate of 32 euro for 2 nights per person. At 1:30 PM on Friday we were on our way. We took a […]

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  • Melanie
  • University of Iowa
  • 2012 Spring

Buon Appetito! 02/06/12

One thing that I have learned since being here is that CIMBA is not your average study abroad program! They provide so many amazing opportunities outside of just normal classes for things like leadership development, cultural experiences, and things that are just plain fun. This week we had an event that encompassed all three of […]

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  • Michael
  • University of Iowa
  • 2012 Spring

Adapting to the Culture 02/06/12

Ciao! Throughout the first weeks of this semester in Italy, I have noticed a few major differences in cultures coming from America. One culture change that is a challenge for everyone to adapt to is the language barrier. You might think no one speaks English in Italy, but I have realized many Italians do speak […]

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  • Vanessa
  • University of Iowa
  • 2012 Spring

Murano: Venice's Hidden Gem 02/06/12

If you ever have the opportunity to visit Italy, chances are that one of your travel destinations will be Venice – and for good reason.  The city is a beautiful maze of alleyways and canals, decorated with statues, shops, and, of course, so many boats.  St. Mark’s Square, which holds such landmarks as the Doges […]

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  • Melanie
  • University of Iowa
  • 2012 Spring

Life in Paderno 01/25/12

So it has been just over a week since I arrived in Italy and think that I am almost adjusted to the day to-day life here! There is so much that I could talk about so I will just give you a brief overview.  Food: First off let me start by saying that if you […]

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  • Michael
  • University of Iowa
  • 2012 Spring

Activities Upon Arrival. 01/23/12

Spend your first night in Venice. After my buddies and I booked our flights from Chicago to Heathrow, London, to Venice, we decided we wanted to stay the first night in Venice before we went to campus on Monday. We arrived at our hotel, the local Mariott at about 2:00 PM,  which happened to be less […]

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  • Vanessa
  • University of Iowa
  • 2012 Spring

What I've Learned So Far 01/20/12

As a first-time international traveler, I knew that participating in the CIMBA program was bound to teach me countless lessons about both the customs of different cultures and myself as a person.  Though I only arrived in Paderno del Grappa a mere four days ago, I have already had some completely new, exciting experiences that […]

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  • Melanie
  • University of Iowa
  • 2012 Spring

Things I wish I knew: Part One 01/20/12

So it has only been a couple days since I have arrived here in Paderno del Grappa, but I already love it! Classes have started and I have already planned my first weekend trip! Before I left the US there were so many things that I was worrying about and already there are some lessons […]

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  • Jake
  • University of Iowa
  • 2009 Fall

In the states, for now . . . a return is imperative 01/04/10

I’ve been in the states for three weeks now, and I am finally getting adjusted. I was surprised how long it took for me to catch on to a normal sleeping schedule. Some other things have been interesting to get readjusted to. I’ve definitely had some moments of flat-out “reverse culture shock.” One of the […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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