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  • Cassie
  • University of Kansas
  • 2013 Fall

The Semester Is Just Getting Started 09/27/13

Ciao! It is so crazy to think that I have been in Italy for almost two weeks now.. time has flown by. I am starting to get in the swing of things, and am finally starting to get on a routine. Last Sunday about 25 of us decided to hike up Mt. Grappa. Overall, it […]

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  • Jessica
  • West Virginia University
  • 2013 Fall

An Italian secret 09/25/13

“I am spending my semester in Italy.” Words I have said one too many times. Time after time, I would explain to people my choice, then a conversation of people’s expectations and perceptions would soon follow. The most common statement goes along the lines of how every meal I consume would consist of pizza hand […]

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  • Kim
  • Mount Mercy University
  • 2013 Fall

Intros, Orientations, & Explorations 09/24/13

Well I’ve arrived and have had the opportunity to do so much throughout our first week in Italy! To go back to the beginning- I left the Cedar Rapids, Iowa airport on Sunday afternoon, flew  to Detroit, then to Amsterdam, and finally landed in Venice. After waiting in the airport for the second bus to […]

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  • Cassie
  • University of Kansas
  • 2013 Fall

My First Week in Paderno 09/24/13

Hi all! I have survived my first week in Paderno del Grappa. The flight over was extremely long.. and I was incredibly antsy to get here. Other than the six-hour layover in JFK it was not too painful. Once we arrived on campus, Istituti Filippin, we had a campus tour along with having some time […]

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  • Kim
  • Mount Mercy University
  • 2013 Fall

Three Months Begins in Just Three Days! 09/15/13

I can’t believe in just three days I will be landing in Italy, my new home for the next three months. When I first made the decision to do the CIMBA study abroad program, this day seemed so far off – but it is finally here and I am really looking forward to it! My […]

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  • Cassie
  • University of Kansas
  • 2013 Fall

Paderno del Grappa Here I Come! 09/15/13

Hello! My name is Cassie Plummer and I’m going to be a junior at the University of Kansas this year. In three days I am about to go on one of the greatest adventures of my entire life. I have the opportunity to go to Italy for three months! In the years past I have […]

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  • Jessica
  • West Virginia University
  • 2013 Fall

Years coming 09/09/13

Throughout my life I have been fortunate. I have been able to dig my toes into the sand on the playa in Mexico, and see the manmade stars New York can make in their concrete jungle while on the roof of a skyscraper. I gained these memories by traveling most of the US and several […]

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  • Kelsey Y.
  • Iowa State University
  • 2013 Summer

6 weeks and a lot of memories 07/08/13

People said 4 weeks would fly by before I knew it and they weren’t kidding! It felt like I had just unpacked and started classes when I started packing my bags again and started studying for finals. The things I was able to see and do during those four weeks are things I will never have the […]

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  • Evan
  • University of Iowa
  • 2013 Summer

38 Days Later.. 06/25/13

38 days later and I’m officially home. No, not all 38 days were spent in Italy, but they were spent traveling the world and making new memories. There were many homesick days and times when I became frustrated with not being able to communicate with people but at the same time I loved that I was dealing with that struggle. I […]

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  • Nicole
  • University of Iowa
  • 2013 Summer

Arrivederci Italia, hellooo America! 06/24/13

Well, I’m finally home! Landing in the middle of the Chicago-land suburbs last Monday could not have been anymore bittersweet. I’ve spent the past week reflecting on my time spent in Italy, and I can’t believe all the stuff I actually did! Before I go into that, let me tell you about my final weekend. […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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