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  • University of Arkansas
  • 2023 Summer

Ciao! Bonjour! Hello! 05/25/23

Ciao! Bonjour! Hello! My name is Kelsey Harper and I am from the University of Arkansas and have made the quaint, Paderno del Grappa, Italy my new home for the last week. After finishing my last final, I closed my laptop, and rushed off a few hours later to a new start of a life […]

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  • University of Arkansas
  • 2023 Summer

A Weekend in Florence 05/25/23

Ciao! It’s hard to believe that less than a week ago, I arrived at the beautiful CIMBA campus for the first time. This first week on campus has been an exciting, fun, and welcoming experience. I’ve met people from all over 18 different universities and instantly made so many new friends. My first week of […]

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  • University of Arkansas
  • 2023 Summer

Color Palette of Italy! 05/24/23

Ciao! My name is Ashley Jennings, and we have one week of living in Italy under our belts. Living in Italy has been such a surreal experience that I don’t think I will be able to fully grasp until it is gone. The food, people, and culture are making me realize what Italy is all […]

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  • West Virginia University
  • 2023 Summer

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun! 05/23/23

Ciao! It was exactly one week ago when I touched down on Italian soil! It was the craziest experience. It all went by very fast, but the first day was most exhausting. After being jet lagged, and getting little to no sleep in days, it was a lot to take in at first. As soon […]

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  • University of Iowa
  • 2023 Summer

First Week of Classes & Trip #1! 05/23/23

The first week of CIMBA is officially over! Exactly a week ago today, I was arriving to the campus and locating my room to unpack. This first week was nothing short of an amazing time, as I met so many new people, tried new foods and drinks, and got to see beautiful views from weekday […]

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  • University of Arkansas
  • 2023 Summer

Through My Eyes 05/16/23

Ciao!! My name is Ashley Jennings, and I just finished my sophomore year at the University of Arkansas. I am a Speech Pathology major with a Human Development and Family Sciences minor. I have always wanted to travel abroad, and I am so excited to be sharing my experiences with you. I have never been […]

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  • West Virginia University
  • 2023 Summer

I never thought I would be studying abroad, but here I am! 05/16/23

First things first, I think introductions are important so you know more about the person you’re talking to, or better yet reading from. My name is Danielle (Dani) Cann and I am a junior studying Business Marketing at West Virginia University. I don’t want to bore you with things like what to pack while studying […]

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  • University of Arkansas
  • 2023 Summer

Let the Traveling Begin! 05/09/23

Ciao!! My name is Mackenzie Dyer and I just finished my sophomore year at the University of Arkansas. I am a Marketing Major with Minors in Supply Chain and Entrepreneurship. Studying abroad in college has always been a dream of mine, so I am so excited to share my journey abroad with all of you. […]

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  • University of Iowa
  • 2023 Summer

Introducing Me & Preparing to Study Abroad! 05/09/23

Hi! My name is Ceely Patramanis, and I wanted to start off by briefly introducing myself. I am going into my third year at the University of Iowa as a Marketing and Management major. Some of my hobbies include hanging out with friends, reading, cooking, and traveling. I wanted to share why I decided to […]

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  • West Virginia University
  • 2023 Spring

A Spring Break to Remember 03/28/23

A little more than half way through the CIMBA semester, we get a week long spring break. This was such a nice time to relax before the workload increased leading up to finals. Many of us decided to spend the first half of the week in Barcelona, Spain and the second half in the Canary […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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Learn more about CIMBA by visiting our YouTube channel!

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