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  • University of Arkansas
  • Summer 2022

Why CIMBA? 05/17/22

Ciao! My name is Chandler Cartwright, and I am an upcoming junior with a Food Science Major with a Marketing minor at the University of Arkansas. After deciding I wanted to study abroad, I quickly realized how many different programs there were to choose from and felt very overwhelmed – which is why I’m going […]

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  • University of Kansas
  • Summer 2022

3 Ways to Prepare to be a Tourist 05/17/22

Learning how to get around in a foreign environment There are many different ways to travel in Italy during your time there, even if you don’t have a car. Some of these modes of transportation are trains, buses, and ferries. A train travels at 185mph which is faster than any other mode of transportation. This […]

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  • University of Arkansas
  • Summer 2022

How to prepare culturally, emotionally, & logically when travelling to Italy 05/17/22

The one-week countdown to Italy is on. I am dreaming of the pepperoni pizza I will eat, walks I will take on the cobble stone streets, and the lovely people I will meet. Ok… enough with dreaming and rhyming… it’s time to pack and prepare. I am excited to share some of the prep-work I […]

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  • University of Iowa
  • Summer 2022

Study Abroad Nerves! 05/12/22

It’s currently finals week for me at the University of Iowa and only twelve days before I leave for Italy. Between studying and spending time with friends, I’ve been anxiously preparing and thinking about my time in Italy. I am beyond excited about my experience abroad, but I definitely have a few nerves going into […]

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  • Western Michigan University
  • Spring 2022

Final Reflection 04/22/22

Now that I have made it back home and am settled in, I would like to write my final reflections of this whole study abroad experience. The best thing about being home is finally getting to see everyone who I had been missing so much. Second to that is the food. Italy had great food, […]

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  • Western Michigan University
  • Spring 2022

How I Financed my Trip 04/06/22

I am here to be honest about money to give you all a good idea of how much this program costs and how you could go about paying for your study abroad experience. One reason why many people back at my university choose to not study abroad is because the cost is so high. I […]

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  • Western Michigan University
  • Spring 2022

How To Plan 03/29/22

Students here aren’t known for their planning or time management abilities. That’s why I’d like to inform you on what not to do as well how you can be a better traveler than the Spring 2022 CIMBA group. Don’t get me wrong, we know how to have a good time. It’s just getting to our […]

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  • Western Michigan University
  • Spring 2022

What to do in Paderno Del Grappa? 03/10/22

If you are thinking about studying in Paderno del Grappa you may be wondering what is there to do in this town that you have never heard of before. Most students leave almost every weekend, but at least once or twice one is bound to stay in PDG. I am here to tell you what […]

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  • University of Iowa
  • Spring 2022

Let’s Hit The Books 03/07/22

Choosing to study abroad is a commitment that requires an open and intelligent mind. The point of a study abroad program is to get a whole different feel for the world by gaining cultural intelligence while testing your academic intelligence.  I was fortunate to have CIMBA advertised so heavily at my home university, University of […]

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  • Western Michigan University
  • Spring 2022

CIMBA Academics 02/28/22

One of the biggest challenges here at CIMBA is balancing school life with fun and travel. People travel basically every weekend or if people stay in PDG (Paderno del Grappa) they travel to local towns nearby. You will not do homework on the weekends! Do not think that you will, if anything the most I […]

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About CIMBA Italy

CIMBA (in English, pronounced chim – buh) offers dynamic, personal, and affordable study abroad, MBA, and executive programs in Paderno del Grappa at the base of the Italian Alps in Northern Italy—just an hour north of Venice.

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