Romeo and Juliet

Written by Cassie November 12, 2013

How crazy to think I am officially over halfway done with my study abroad experience. This is the seventh week, and there are a total of twelve weeks. This past weekend was very relaxing, and much needed on top of that. A couple of us stayed around and went to see some of the magnificent sights in Italy.

Saturday we took a train to Verona, which is about 3 hours away. I was extremely surprised by how beautiful this little town was and I am upset I did not get more time to sightsee. Once we arrived in Verona we went to Casa di Giulietta, also known as Juliet’s house. After going under the famous archway, you are in the beautiful courtyard which features the balcony from Shakespeare’s worldly known Romeo and Juliet. Along with this is the bronze statue of Juliet resides in this picturesque courtyard. Touching the breast of this statue is said to bring good luck to those in terms of their love life. Right behind the statue is a large fence where you are able to put “love locks.” The shop next door sells locks you are able to buy and lock to the fence for eternity. It is an amazing sight to see and there are thousands of locks that feature the names of couples that have professed their love. Lastly, there is a huge wall that includes hand-written letters to Juliet herself. I was astonished to see all of these letters that individuals personally took the time to write. It was also very incredible because this is the exact courtyard (and wall) where a large scene of the movie “Letters to Juliet” took place.

Later on we were able to eat dinner overlooking the Verona Colosseum, which was absolutely stunning. It is shocking to think that after thousands of years a monument can still be so intact. Sunday morning a couple of us went to the local market in Crespano del Grappa which included: many handmade crafts, Italian made clothes, fruits and vegetables, and spices. For lunch we stopped at a delectable Italian café. Here I got a fantastic pumpkin flavored gnocchi, which was perfect on a chilly fall day! As for the upcoming weekend, seven of us are headed south to Florence. On Saturday we are partaking in a wine tour that takes us around the Tuscany region. I am so thrilled, and cannot wait to see more of the wonderful country of Italy. Ciao!


Juliet Statue Juliet statue

Letters to JulietLetters to Juliet

Juliet's Balcony Juliet’s Balcony

Love Lock FenceGate full of “love locks”

Verona Colosseum Verona Colosseum at nighttime

Crespano del GrappaBell tower in Crespano del Grappa

Crespano del GrappaColorful leaves in Crespano del Grappa