I'm Here. Now What?

Written by Megan May 20, 2014

Wow. I am finally here. I don’t think that it’s quite set in fully that I’m in Italy, but this sure isn’t Kansas anymore (well, Illinois technically.) But that’s not to say that there aren’t already noticeable differences.

For one, as I was trying to navigate the Frankfurt airport at 6 in the morning, which is not the easiest thing after what feels like an eternity on a plane, it was definitely disconcerting that I, a native English speaker, was most decidedly not in the majority. Other than the occasional Spanish speaker back home, I honestly don’t think I’ve ever heard that many foreign languages. On my next two connecting flights before I finally landed in Venice, it was the same way. Mind you, I’m not saying that being in the minority is a bad thing, it was really just striking how different and, for lack of a better word, foreign it felt.

Other than that, and the ridiculous jetlag, everything else travel-wise went far smoother than I really expected. All of my flights departed on time, and some even landed a bit early! On Sunday, after a bit of confusion, we found the hotel, found dinner, and even found time for a walk after dinner in the area near the hotel.

The next day, Monday, was just a long one, finally arriving at campus and listening through the orientation presentation, just trying not to fall asleep. Luckily, bed time followed orientation very quickly! Through some magic, I was assigned a single dorm room, which, as much as I would have liked to have made friends with a roommate, is a nice change after living with one all school year.

CIMBA Campus view of mountains view out of my dorm room window

Today, Tuesday, after our first full day of class, I can say two things for sure.

1. Italian dorm food is far, far superior to Iowa dorm food. As of now, I would definitely be content with pasta dishes for the rest of my life from here.

2. Engineers are, for the most part, fantastic people and great friends. Even though I’m just meeting most of these people, I’m already so pumped to spend the next month here with them. Not to say that other majors aren’t great, but this is just one reason I’m really happy I chose this one.

new friends

Without a doubt, choosing to study abroad is so far one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. I am ridiculously excited to be able to explore Italy, and if I have to take classes over the summer, this is hands down the best place to do it. There are so many activities that are planned for us, and so many more that we are able to do, I can’t see how anyone wouldn’t be excited.

Now is just the beginning, and I’m absolutely positive that, as fun as the activities sound on paper, they will be about a gazillion times more awesome to actually do. Now is when things are actually happening. Now is where I want to be, and where I want to stay.

Ciao for now,
